Extension and Enrichment

St Joseph’s is committed to helping every student reach his/her full potential.

Students who show strength in certain areas of the curriculum are provided with:

  • extra opportunities that expose them to higher order thinking skills
  • activities designed to supplement the regular curriculum
  • opportunities to inspire divergent, analytical, creative and evaluative thinking
  • various opportunities to participate in learning events that allow them to represent our school in the community, including: Optiminds, Reader’s Cup, Maths Competition, Spelling Bees, Eisteddfod, ICAS testing, Future Leaders Eco Challenge days, environmental projects
  • experiences that address their unique talents, challenge their thinking, cater for a huge range of different learning styles and techniques and solve complex problems
  • An enrichment day for each year level is experienced by all students one day per term. These days are led by specialist Art, Science and Physical Education teachers and expose students to skills, knowledge and understandings above and beyond the curriculum.